
From the Expression Editor, you can choose any number of built-in functions to help construct your expression.

Functions are divided into categories as follows:

To locate the desired function, select a category and then browse through the list of functions within that category. You can also select (all) to view an alphabetical list of all available functions.

Choose a Function dialog box that displays all available functions.

Selecting a function brings up the Construct Function dialog, where you can enter values to use in your function. You can also select the ellipsis button to embed another function inside of the current one.

Construct Function dialog showing the DayOfWeek(Date) function with the date being returned as Now().

Date & Time

Function Description
DayOfWeek(D) Returns the day of the week (1..7) for a given date.
Ex: DayOfWeek("11/21/08"); Result = 6
DaysBetween(D1,D2) Returns the number of days between two dates.
Ex: DaysBetween('1/1/2012','1/10/2012'); Result = 9
DayString(D) Returns the day name for the given day (1=Sunday,2=Monday). Often used with DayOfWeek.
Ex: DayString(1) or DayString(DayOfWeek("11/16/08")); Result = Sunday
ExtractDay(Date) Returns the day of the month (1... 31) from a given date.
Ex: ExtractDay("11/16/08"); Result = 16
ExtractHour(Time) Extract and return the hour from a time
Ex: ExtractHour('8:00'); Result = 8
ExtractMinute(Time) Extract and return the minute from a time
Ex: ExtractMinute('8:35'); Result = 35
ExtractMonth(Date) Returns the month from a given date.
Ex: ExtractMonth("11/16/08"); Result = 11
ExtractSecond(Time) Extract and return the second from a time
Ex: ExtractSecond('8:35:22'); Result = 22
ExtractYear(Date) Returns the year from a given date.
Ex: ExtractYear("11/16/08"); Result = 2008
FormatDate(Date) Returns a date formatted using the format parameter.
Ex: FormatDate("11/16/08", "mmm d, yyyy"); Result = Nov 16, 2008
IncDate(Date,d,m,y)) Increments the date parameter by the specified number of days, months, and years.
Ex: IncDate('6/1/2011',3,2,4); Result = 8/4/2015
IncDay(Date,d) Increments the date parameter by the specified number of days.
Ex: IncDate('8/1/2011',6); Result = 8/7/2011
IncHour(Time,h) Increments the time parameter by the specified number of hours.
Ex: IncHour('3::00 am',8); Result = 11:34:00 a.m.
IncMinute(Time,m) Increments the time parameter by the specified number of minutes.
Ex: IncMinute('3:34:18',8); Result = 3:32:18 am
IncMonth(Date,m) Increments the date parameter by the specified number of months.
Ex: IncMonth('4/23/1999',5); Result = 9/23/1999
IncSecond(Time,s) Increments the time parameter by the specified number of seconds.
Ex: IncSecond('2:34:33',18); Result = 2:34:51
IncTime(Time,s,m,h) Increments the time parameter by the specified number of seconds, minutes, and hours.
Ex: IncTime('3:32:12 am',22,10,7); Result = 10:42:34 am
IncYear(Date) Increments the date parameter by the specified number of years.
Ex: IncYear('1/2/2011',5); Result = 1/2/2016
MonthString(M) Returns the month name as a string, M (1..12). Often used with ExtractMonth.
Ex: MonthString(11) or MonthString(ExtractMonth("11/16/08")); Result = November
Now() Returns the current system date and time.
ShortDayString(D) Returns the day of the week as a short string.
Ex: ShortDayString(5); Result = Thu
ShortMonthString(M) Returns the month as a short string.
Ex: ShortMonthString(6); Result = Jun
WeekOfYear(Date) Returns week number (1-52) from given a date.
Ex: WeekOfYear("11/16/08"); Result = 46


Function Description
IsNull() Returns true if the expression being evaluated is null.
Ex: IsNull(LastName)
If(Exp,X,Y) Returns X if expression Exp is TRUE. Returns Y otherwise. You can use database fields, other functions or plain text as your values for X and Y. IF statements can also be nested within other IF statements.
Ex: If(DataField1 = 23, DataField2, Print this text)


Function Description
Abs(xI) Returns the absolute value of x.
ArcCos(x) Returns the inverse cosine of a number.
ArcCosh(x) Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.
ArcCot(x) Returns the inverse cotangent of a number.
ArcCoth(x) Returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a number.
ArcCsx(x) Returns the inverse cosecant of a number.
ArcCsch(x) Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of a number.
ArcSec(x) Returns the inverse secant of a number.
ArcSech(x) Returns the inverse hyperbolic secant of a number.
ArcSin(x) Returns the inverse sine of a number.
ArcSinh(x) Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.
ArcTan(x) Returns the inverse tangent of a number.
ArcTanh(x) Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.
Cos(x) Returns the cosine of an angle.
Cosecant(x) Returns the cosecant of an angle.
Cosh(x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of an angle.
Cotan(x) Returns the cotangent of an angle.
Coth(x) Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of an angle.
Csch(x) Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle.
CycleToDeg(x) Converts an angle from cycles to degrees.
CycleToGrad(x) Converts an angle from cycles to grads.
CycleToRad(x) Converts an angle from cycles to radians.
DegToCycle(x) Converts an angle from degrees to cycles.
DegToGrad(x) Converts an angle from degrees to grads.
DegToRad(x) Converts an angle from degrees to radians.
Modulo(Dividend, Divisor) Returns the remainder (modulus) of an integer division.
Ex: Modulo(100,19); Result = 5
Power(Base, Exponent) Raises 'base' to the power of 'exponent'.
Ex: Power(2,4); Result = 16
RadToCycle(x) Converts an angle from radians to cycles.
RadToDeg(x) Converts an angle from radians to degrees.
RadToGrad(x) Converts an angle from radians to grads.
Round(X,Y) Rounds X to the specified number of digits. Y is the number of digits to which you want to round the number. If Y is greater than zero, the number is rounded to the specified number of decimal places. If Y is zero, the number is rounded to the nearest integer. If Y is less than zero, the number is rounded to the left of the decimal point.
Ex: Round(ArgosData.Some_Number,2)
Secant(x) Returns the secant of an angle.
Sech(x) Returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle.
Sin(x) Returns the sine of an angle.
Sqrt(x) Returns the square-root of x.

Other (Extract reports only)1

Function Description
GetExpr('ExpressionName') Returns the value of another expression used within the report. For example, this could be used in the conditional print field to print only if another expression does not evaluate to 0:
Ex: GetExpr('Expression1') <> 0
ResetExpr('ExpressionName') Reset the value of another expression used within the report.
Ex: ResetExpr('Expression2')


Function Description
Delete(string, index, count) Deletes 'count' number of characters text from a string beginning at position 'index'.
Ex: Delete('DeleteThis', 7, 4)

Encodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (or URL) which may contain characters that are not valid within URLs. It is mainly used for verifying that a URI is valid for the scheme, authority, and path portions of a URI. Here are the characters encoded by this function:

  • 0x00-0x1F (ASCII control characters)
  • (space) 0x20
  • *<>%"{}|\^[]`'

URI Reference


  • Scheme: foo
  • Authority:
  • Path: /over/there
  • Query: name=ferret
  • Fragment: #nose

Ex: http://%%EncodeURI(:hostname)%%
Ex: EncodeURI(' Resources.html')
Result =


EncodeURIComponent encodes more characters than EncodeURI. It is useful for encoding characters that can appear in the query and fragment portions of a URI. Here are the characters encoded by this function:

  • 0x00-0x1F (ASCII control characters)
  • (space) 0x20
  • *<>#%"{}|\^[]`:/&'?@+=

Ex: '' + EncodeURIComponent('#Argos Interface.htm')
Result =

IndexOf(string, substring) Returns the starting index (1 based) of the specified substring.
Ex: IndexOf('abcde','cd'); Result = 3
LeftStr(string, count) Returns the requested number of characters from the left side of a string.
Ex: LeftStr('abcde',4); Result = abcd
Length(string) Returns the length of a string.
Ex: Length('abcde'); Result = 5
Lower(string) Converts a string to lower case.
Ex: Lower('ABCDE'); Result = abcde
PadLeft(string, padstring, length) Fills the input string from the left by repeating the pad string to reach the specified length.
Ex: PadLeft('abcde','xy',20); Result = xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxabcde
PadLeftZero(string, length) Fills the string from the left with zeroes to the specified length.
Ex: PadLeftZero('abcde',10); Result = 00000abcde
PadRight(string, padstring, length) Fills the input string from the right by repeating the pad string to reach the specified length.
Ex: PadRight('abcde','xy',20); Result = abcdexyxyxyxyxyxyxyx
Pretty(string) Makes the first character of the string uppercase and the rest lowercase.
Ex: Pretty('abcde'); Result = Abcde
Replace(string, search string, replace string) Replaces all occurrences of 'Search String' in 'String' with 'Replace String'.
Ex: Replace('aabbccddeeffggaa', 'aa', 'zz'); Result = zzbbccddeeffggzz
RightStr(string, count) Returns the requested number of characters from the right side of a string.
Ex: RightStr('abcde',3); Result = cde
StretchStr(string, count) Stretches a string by inserting the requested number of spaces between each character.
Ex: StretchStr('abcde',2); Result = a b c d e
Strip(string, substring) Removes all occurrences of a sub string from the string.
Ex: Strip('aaabbbcccdddaaaeee','aaa'); Result = bbbcccdddeee
SubString(string, index, count) Returns a substring (of length="count") beginning at position "index" .
Ex: SubString('abcdefghijklmnopq',3,4); Result = cdef
ToNumber(string, default) Converts a string into a number with an optional default value.
Ex: ToNumber('22',5); Result = 22
Ex: ToNumber('abc",5); Result = 5
ToString(x) Converts a number into a string.
Ex: ToString(123); Result = 123
Trim(string) Trims whitespace from the front and back of a string.
Ex: Trim ('      abccde       '); Result = abcde
TrimL(string) Trims whitespace from the front of a string.
Ex: TrimL('      abcde         '); Result = abcde
TrimR(string) Trims whitespace from the back of a string.
Ex: TrimR('     abcde       '); Result =           abcde
Upper(string) Returns string in uppercase letters.
Ex: Upper ('abcde'); Result = ABCDE

Statistical (Extract reports only)

Function Description
Average(x) Returns the average of field 'x" for all records.
Ex: Average(ArgosData.field)
Count(x) Increments for each iteration.
Max(x) Returns the maximum value of field 'x" for all records.
Ex: Max(ArgosData.field)
Min(x) Returns the minimum value of field 'x" for all records.
Ex: Min(ArgosData.field)
Sum(x) Returns the sum of field 'x" for all records.
Ex: Sum(ArgosData.field)



1 Added in version 5.4.