Interactive Charts on Argos Dashboards

Adding interactive charts to your Argos dashboards is an excellent way to display a lot of data in an easy-to-digest format. It allows users to start by viewing the data at a very high level and then work their way down into the granular details.

Example Dashboards: Accounts Receivable

Before we get into the step-by-step, we’re going to walk through the Accounts Receivable Dashboard, which is available for download on the CO-OP user community. It’s a great example of how much value you can get from working with interactive charts.

The top level starts with a pie chart showing transactions according to their aging periods.

The accounts receivable dashboard from the co op. The dashboard is showing the default parameters, the pie chart, and an empty bar chart on the bottom of the dashboard.

When a user clicks on a pie slice, the bar graph will display data for that aging period, organized by category.

The accounts receivable dashboard after a pie slice has been clicked. The bar chart on the bottom is now showing additional details about the age group selected from the pie chart.

For even more detail, users can click one of the bars to see a list of students who have transactions in that category.

List of students that displays after clicking on a bar in the bar chart. This is a list of students that have transactions in the category selected on the bar chart.

Finally, by selecting an individual student from the list and clicking the ‘View Detail for Selected Student/Company’ button, the user can drill down to see the student’s transactions in that period and category.

The list of transactions for the student selected from the list of students.

Adding Interactive Charts to Your Dashboards

Now, there are many ways to navigate between forms in a dashboard. But as we saw in the example above, using charts to drill down into more specific detail can be a powerful method to visually display your institution’s data. Below, we’ll walk you through the steps you would need to take to create your own interactive charts.

Key Concepts

Creating interactive charts relies on a couple of key concepts:

Note: You can configure on-click events for many different kinds of objects in Argos, from charts and graphs to buttons and images.

Step One: Create Forms and Chart Objects

Your first project is going to be to create all of the forms and chart objects between which we’ll be navigating. To create a dashboard of a similar format to the one in our example, you’ll need the following:

When you’re building the charts, graphs and multi-column list boxes, each of them will need to refer back to the previous object in the hierarchy. So, for the bar graph, you’ll need to use the selected time period on the pie chart as a parameter; for the Category Detail multi-column list box, you’ll need to use to the selected category on the bar graph as a parameter; and for the Individual Detail multi-column list box, you’ll need to use the selected individual on the Category Detail multi-column list box as a parameter.

For reference, when you go into the user-defined variable list (by clicking the a b c button in the query editor), you’ll see a list of all of the variables you’ve defined so far. Simply find the chart, graph or multi-column list box you want to reference, and then select the specific value you want to use.

Below you’ll see an example of the selecting the category from the bar graph from our Accounts Receivable example dashboard.

Pick a variable dialog. The properties tab for the chart on the dashboard.

In your query, the chart variable will end up looking something like the following AND statement:

and TTVDCAT.TTVDCAT_DESC = :Chart_AR_Category.AgingByCategory.CATEGORY

Step Two: Create Drill Down Navigation

Once you have all of your forms and objects set up and functioning correctly, it’s time to add the drill-down navigation. Since the first two levels of detail—the pie chart and the bar graph—are on the same form, you don’t need to add an on-click event for them. The bar graph will automatically populate as soon as the user selects a slice of the piece chart.

For the next two levels of the drill down, though, you’ll need to configure on-click events:

To add the first on-click event:

  1. Select the bar graph.
  2. On the Properties tab, find the On Click row, and click in the right-hand column.
  3. A button with an ellipsis will appear. Click on it to open the Edit Event window.
  4. From the Available Events list, double-click ‘Activate Form’ to add it to the Event list.
  5. Beneath the Event Properties heading, you’ll see a pull down menu called Form Name appear.
  6. Select ‘Category Detail’ from the Form Name pull down.
  7. Click the OK button to close out of the window.
  8. Click the Test button to make sure that, when you click on one of the bars in the bar graph, you’re taken to the Category Detail form.

Follow the same steps to add an on-click event to the ‘View Detail for Selected Individual’ button to take you to the Individual Detail form.

You now have a powerful dashboard with interactive charts that put a huge amount of data at your end users’ fingertips.