Data Dictionary

Data Dictionaries allow you to store information about your databases, such as aliases and joins for your fields and tables. The Data Dictionary screen in MAPS is where you manage and enable data dictionaries. Dictionaries created here can be used in Argos to display alias and join information when developing reports and DataBlocks. Argos users can also contribute or suggest contributions to the dictionary, depending on their permissions.

This image shows the location of the various options available when using the Data Dictionary. Options include adding an object, import/export the Data Dictoonary, and making the Dictionary active.

Enabling the Data Dictionary

To make the data dictionary available to Argos users, check the Data Dictionary Active box at the bottom of the Data Dictionary screen.

Creating Dictionaries

Use the green plus button in the upper right to create a new data dictionary. You can create as many separate dictionaries as needed.

 Edit Data Dictionary dialog where you enter a name and description for the dictionary.

For each dictionary, you can define aliases, field joins, table joins, users, and associated connections.


Aliases are descriptive names that enable users to understand the tables and fields they are working with. To add an Alias, go to the Aliases tab and click the green plus button. In the Edit Alias dialog, enter an object name, alias, description, and status.

Edit Alias dialog showing an Object Name of Employees.emp_id, Alias of "Employee Number", and Description of "Unique employee number".

Employees.emp_id object showing its alias, description, and status of "Suggestion"

Field Joins

Field joins are a single-field join between two tables. Adding field joins is done the same way as for aliases. Select the Field Joins tab and click the green plus button to display the Edit Field Join dialog. Enter the table and field names, join type, and status.

Edit Field Join dialog showing the fields for left table, left field, right table, and right field, followed by a list of join types and status (contribution or suggestion).

Table Joins

Table joins are custom joins between two tables that are joined on more than just a single field in each table. They may contain a WHERE clause in the join. Adding table joins is done the same way as for aliases and field joins. Select the Table Joins tab and click the green plus button to display the Edit Table Join dialog. Enter the table names, the SQL join statement, and the status.

Edit Table Join dialog showing fields for the left table, right table, text (notes), and status (contribution/suggestion).

Associated Connections

In order to use the data dictionary in Argos, you must authorize it for use with the data connection(s) that are used by your DataBlocks in Argos.

This image shows how to associate a Data Dictionary with an ADO connection.

Data Dictionaries on the Evisions CO-OP

The Evisions website contains an area called the CO-OP Share where clients can upload and share items such as Argos DataBlocks, FormFusion templates, and other files. If you have created a data dictionary that you think others may find useful, please feel free to post it. Similarly, if you are looking for a data dictionary to use as a starting point, there are several available for download, including various dictionaries provided by Evisions for commonly used databases such as Ellucian Banner, PowerCAMPUS, Jenzabar, and others.

Exporting/Importing Data Dictionaries

To export a data dictionary to a file, select the Export button in the upper right of the Data Dictionary screen. Then, provide a file name and destination for the file to be saved. The file will be saved in XML format.

Export Dictionary to File option on the upper right of the Data Dictionary screen

Similarly, to import a data dictionary, select the Import button  to the right of the Export button and browse for the file. You will have the option to import the items into an existing dictionary, or to create a new one. Note: Importing into an existing dictionary may overwrite existing objects.

Import dialog asking whether you want to import the selected items into a new data dictionary or append them to an existing one.

When the import completes, the imported objects will be visible in the dictionary:

Data Dictionary with many entries.  The object name, alias, description, and status is shown for each imported item.

Configuring Dictionary Permissions

Argos users who have been given permission to contribute to the data dictionary have the ability to add contributions or suggestions from within Argos. Other users can only make a suggestion, which an administrator can later change to an approved contribution.

The Members tab of the Data Dictionary screen allows you to add users and groups who can make contributions.

Changing the Contributor Status for a user.

Select the User or Group button to browse for a user or group to add. By default, adding a user or group here sets their Contributor status to Yes and Administrator to No.

To change permissions, select a user or group and then click the Admin or Contributor button at the top of the list.

Converting Suggestions to Contributions

When a user who is not a contributor submits a suggestion to the dictionary, an administrator can review it and then choose to convert it to a contribution so that other users will be able to see and use it. To change a suggestion to a contribution, select the suggestion and then click the thumbs up button at the top of the tab.

Toggling the status of an object in the dictionary between a Suggestion and a Contribution.

Similarly, to change a contribution back to a suggestion, select the contribution and then click the thumbs down button.