Inline View Subqueries

Inline view subqueries are now supported in the visual designer. This section provides information on using inline views.

Creating the Main Query

The process is essentially the same as for the correlated subquery discussed in the DataBlock Designer Guide.

Create the main query to return all purchase orders with invoice_reqd field = “Y”.

The SELECT clause:

The select tab. From the purchase orders table, vendor i d, p o i d, and invoice received have all been added.

And the WHERE clause:

The where tab. From the purchase orders table, invoice received has been added with the condition equal to y.

Creating the Subquery

Click the Add Query button to add the inline view subquery.

The build subquery editor displays, and allows you to select a table to work with. Use the fields in the table and the tabs at the bottom of the page to build your subquery. For example, you might select a field from a table, and add a condition (the field equals a specific value, for example).

To limit the query to vendors located in California, create the inline view based on the vendor_state field of the Vendors table:

The SELECT clause:

The select tab for the subquery. From the vendors table, vendor state has been added.

The WHERE clause:

The where tab. From the vendors table, vendor state has been added with the condition equal to C A for California.

Use the Rename button at the bottom of the editor page to give your subquery a user-friendly name, such as "CA_Vendors," so that you can recognize it later.

Select OK to return to editing the main query.

Placing the Subquery in the Main Query

The new subquery displays in the main query editor in a window similar to a table.

Make sure that the Visible Fields (SELECT) tab is active at the bottom of the editor, then double-click a field from your new subquery to add it to the main query as the target for the FROM clause. In this example, add the vendor_state field.

The select tab for the main query, with the inline view subquery added.

Note that if you are using an Oracle database, you must enclose the field name in quotes. The dropdown for the Field cell provides both options (with and without quotes).

In most cases, you would then join the vendor_ID field from the Purchase_Orders table to the new CA_Vendors table:

Visual designer window showing the main query joined to the subquery.

This results in the following query:

SELECT Purchase_Orders.vendor_ID,
FROM Purchase_Orders left join ( select Vendors.vendor_state as VendorState,
FROM Vendors
WHERE Vendors.vendor_state ='ca' ) CA_Vendors on Purchase_Orders.vendor_ID = CA_Vendors.vendor_ID
WHERE Purchase_Orders.invoice_recd ='y'


Executing the query yields the results shown below, listing the vendors in California whose invoices have been received.

Query results in which only vendors in California are included.