Welcome to Evisions DORIS

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I'd like an overview of using DORIS.

How do I use data sources with DORIS?

What is an "entity?"

What do I need to know about using queries?

How can I schedule ingestion for a regular interval or for off hours?

What is DORIS?

DORIS (Data Operational Reporting Information Solution) is a cloud-based application for taking data from a data source (such as Banner, or another source) and transforming it into a format that can be used by IRIS for IPEDS surveys.

Once the entity data from a data source has been mapped, you can publish that entity to IRIS and from there, upload into the IPEDS data portal.

With DORIS you can:

  • Pull your data into Evisions IRIS with a single button
  • Combine your data with intent - specifying the raw data for what matters downstream
  • Clean the data upon ingestion, making it consistent and more productive across use cases
  • Schedule data ingestion based on your reporting needs

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We would love to make our documentation better! If you have a moment to let us know what we missed or how we can make the help more useful, please email us at TechDocs@evisions.com.