Troubleshooting Data Source Issues

General Issues

I don't see my data source.

  • If you were previously able to see the data source, but it is no longer available, verify that the settings for the data source are still valid. See Edit a Data Source for more information. Select Test Connection to attempt to reconnect.
  • If you have never been able to connect to the data source, consult your Evision representative, and ensure that the correct IP address range was specified when your DORIS account was established.

My survey is reporting all zeroes.

This can indicate that an entity is missing for the survey.

If all entities are present and configured, verify that the data source is available.

Banner Data Source Status

Status Description
Available The data source is connected to DORIS and available for queries and data ingestion.
Not Available The data source is not available. Check the configuration, and use Test Connection to verify communication.

CSV File Data Source Status

Status Description
Available The CSV file has uploaded successfully and is available for queries and data ingestion.
Processing The CSV file is in the process of being uploaded and analyzed.
Not Available The CSV file has not been uploaded and is not available.

CSV File Issues

When using a CSV file as the data source, keep in mind the following:

  • The column header in a CSV file cannot be blank.
  • Column headers cannot contain any special characters other than the underscore character.
  • Column headers cannot contain spaces.